Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Polar bears are cute.

Polar bears are drowning and it's your fault. Stop driving!

As luck would have it, I had the wonderful burden of a janky car situation before our invasion of Canada. Upon returning to the states, and $680 dollars later, my car was up and running. After several days of entertaining Nugget, Esther, and Chrissie (trifecta was flippin' rad), my car was running stronger then ever. After dropping the girls off, I headed home...that's when my luck caught up with me. Call it kharma for being obnoxious at trifecta, or what have you- but long story short;

I was going about 70mph on the freeway when the hood of my car popped up, curled, and smacked my windshield which obstructed my view. I quickly pull to the shoulder of the road (which happened to be the fast lane) and call AAA. I get the insurance estimate after getting my car towed home, and wait for my dad to come home so I can tell him the GREAT news. Needless to say, he wasn't stoked.

Living without my car was shitty the first time around, as it had been in the shop for a week before Canada. This time around, I decided I wasn't going to rely on other people for rides, and I wasn't going to sit around for another week and wait for my car to be fixed.

So instead, I grabbed my cruiser. I skated across the freeway back into town, I skated to friends homes, I even skated at our janky ass skatepark (which consists of shitty wood and an oversized pyramid) for the first time since Freshman year.

I fell back in love with skateboarding. The love I felt before I got my license. I fell in love with cruising. How does that song go? Kick, push, coast..

Now that my car is fixed, I'm making a challenge for myself (one that i hope you'll take on also) to start skating more, driving less. It's fun and it's cheap. Meeting your friends in town for some grub? Skate there. Headed to the park down the street? Skate there. Plan ahead, pack a water, bring a backpack, get off your ass and skate.

Product suggestions: Zip Zingers are super cruisers, they're small, fast, and you can actually skate on them if you need to ollie a curb or something. Plus, they're easy to stop unlike longboards. Or, invest in some large, soft, wheels for your normal board. They'll make the ride much smoother, and you'll totally enjoy skating without having your knees rattle.

-Kristina, OUT!


Greetings earthlings!

Thanks to the awesomeness of Jill over at Skatebarn West, we have the green light to start planning a girls skate comp/jam for this winter. The tentitive date is December 13th and for those of you that "aint know" Skatebarn is located in the humble town of Renton, Washington.

Once again, if you want to donate your time and help us make this event Kim Jong-ill...hit us up! yee


Speaking of Skatebarn... as a beezy you get to skate for freezy every Wednesday. I'm headed over tomorrow, so hit me up if your down.

oh yeah, watch this video and learn your history.

love kristin

Monday, August 25, 2008

So we made some mix tapes for all you all.

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Redmond gals skate jammer


Earlier this summer SLAG held an all-girls skate jam to showcase some of the local rippers in the Seattle area. Chrissie, Muriel, and yours truly attended, among others from Bellingham and other surrounding areas. We snapped a few photos. Backside 180 by Chrissie and a frontside tail by me.
Anywhoo, speaking of contests... we still need some help on putting together a contest this winter. If you are interested in doing sound, judging, collecting prizes, raising prize money, making a flyer, internet publicity, or anythang else...let us know!! kristinebelinggg@yahoo.com

Sunday, August 24, 2008

SLAG at Artoleptic 2008

Asian Skate Gang!
Originally uploaded by Skate Like A Girl
Artoleptic (live painting, music, arts/crafts! and skateboarding) was so rad. It was the first time I skated with a whole crew of asian girls! We mad sessioned the worst place to skate for anyone learning: the curb next to the Sno Con Waterfront store. Though there was this challenge that didn't stop my Asian Girl Gang from tearing it up.

I drank so much Vitamin Energy water and skated from 12 to 6pm. I was super wired, and a sweaty mess.

We taught about 7 girls to shred the curb. I perfected the shuvit/5050stall/body varial/shuvit off the curb!

We met hidehiko from Low Card.

Thanks Shaina for inviting us to be a part of this. Also big ups to our SLAG volunteers: Christine/Simon, Sophie, and Lanna.



I'm taking this opportunity to spam yet another website with my filth.
08.23.08 ...as in yesterday :

Moira, Chrissie, Jessie, Esther le molesta, and I met up for what we had hoped to be a productive day of filming. I guess we were productive in that we avoided all skateparks, which is incredibly rare as I proudly flaunt the fact that I am a skate park whore. The first stop on our street conquest were the "portland public ledges"...little did we know that "ledges" meant waxed curbs and tall benches. But hey, when you're super ripper status like Chrissie, it aiiiin't no thang. She threw down a fakie fifty front shuv out, and half-cab noseslide. This spot is located in NE portland. It's actually really fun, undercover, and has a few obstacles such as newspaper bins and concrete blocks that you can move around. Plus, the benches are of that plastic/fake wood material, so no wax is necessary. It's BUTTAH! Definitely recommended for those hot or rainy days. To get there, go toward the Broadway bridge, take the street before crossing it (right onto Benton) and then a left onto Dixon.

Next up- the janky banks on SE Water Way (you can take the OMSI exit and follow water way all the way down until you see them on the left). The run up is choppy, you have to get up a curb first in your run, and the banks are steep. However, they're incredibly fun and you quickly get used to it. I enjoyed it for sure- just watch out for traffic. There are plenty of cars, bicyclists, and buses using both streets.

Before stuffing our faces with huge pita platters at a local Lebanese resturant, we parked on 6th and starke (or somewhere near it) at the "antique ledges". No wax required, just tons of pop. These ledges are basically metal window seats that are insanely slick and probably in every decent skate video known to man. We passed on this session, but just down the street was an array of loading docks. About the height of Chrissie ( 5'1" ha..ha) these aren't too shabby. Decent run up, decent landing. Although I suggest lurking around the block a bit as some of the loading docks will have scrap metal and crappy concrete that will rape your skin. A little bit of patience should bring you to the right ones.

That's three spots within 5 minutes of each other. GET IT GIRL!

-Kristina, OUT!


Hey everyone, Kristin the Ebelinger here...

Just thought I would post a lil video I made a few weeks back of a few slag gals at Bellevue Highland Skateboard Plaza.

And for all you Portland folks, I hate you... there is another new skateboard park in your neighborhood.

Also, I thought I would end my post with some exciting news. SLAG is currently planning a girls skate competition for this winter. If you are interested in helping out or have any ideas, please email me at kristinebelinggg@yahoo.com.

Oh yeah, new stickers coming soon ---->

And I'm out.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer 2008! Super Crazy Awesome Part 1

SLAG Summer 2008 Tour aka the Winnipeg Tour was off the hook!

I am so stoked on girls’ skateboarding right now!

Thanks to Elysia (Rugged Riders), Jacqui Comp and her crew at the Manitoba Skateboard Coalition, all the girls that braved this trip and shredded up two countries: Erica Harris (SF), Jessie Haungs (PDX), Kristen Ebeling (SEA), Kristina Narayan (PDX), Esther Godoy (Melbourne, Australia), Chrissie Lathrop (SEA), Beth Nenniger (Vancouver, B.C.), our camerawoman/skater Moira Morel (PDX), and photographer Audrey. Thanks so much for such an awesome trip.

(All the fine ass ladies at Chicks Flip Out!)

So here’s the story. I guess let’s set-up the story for why this was awesome…
1. The fact that Jaqui emailed us (me + Elysha) out of nowhere early in the spring and was like…. you ladies must come to this or else! Like a moth to flame we got our act together and hustled to shred!

(Jessie, Elysha, me (nancy), Jacqui, Moira, and Erica)

2. We started off with a mini-van, and a handful of gals wanting to skate and get footage and it grew.

a. Did I mention that Erica Harris (randomly emailed us) decided to come help us with our Seattle skate camps (out of love for skateboarding), and before this we didn’t really know anything about her except she was a fire fighter?

If I were more paranoid I wouldn’t have invited a girl who could cut me up like a fire line (ask Kristina what it feels like to endure the wrath of Erica) to stay with me for a few weeks. Luckily for all of us I am way too trusting and was like, “yeh come up, and oh yeh, do you want to drive over 3000 miles to skate in Winnipeg?”

b. So we had a crew of gals representing Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, AND then Esther Godoy who rides for the Element team was like, “Hey, I am Esta, I want to join this skate trip!”
So we were like, “Hell yeh!” And then all of sudden this thing started snow balling.

c. Erica, who is the queen of networking met Beth Nenniger skating in Vancouver, and then the trip became an international all girl skate squad!

3. The girls drove basically non-stop from Portland to my house in Seattle and then through the night to Montana. They hit up Montana, Fargo, ND and all of sudden the SLAG gmail and myspace were filling up with love letters. Guys and girls were like: “You changed our lives, please, please, oh please come back again.” Here's some photos from our myspace.

Not hearing the story until I flew into Winnipeg (I had to go to my cousin’s wedding and couldn’t drive out with them), I was like these girls are heartbreakers!

4. Flying into Winnipeg, I thought I was going to get deported, since I didn’t have a return ticket. "Yeh, so like I am here to meet up with friends to go skateboard your country." I was a bit nervous, but the woman was nice and let me in with a Visa (I have never gotten one to go to Canada before), and I hopped in a cab to meet up with the girls.

When I got to the Plaza, there was a pretty huge crowd watching the girls skate. I got there in time for the advanced skaters. It was super hot, but the SLAG team was tearing it up. I see the girls, and they are skating so hard. I guess Kristina bumped her head hard board sliding a rail, and then got back up and slid it again. Esther, Chrissie, Kristen, and Kristina were hucking themselves and cheering on everyone, including Tamara (Vancouver) and Annie (Montreal). It was so overwhelming to feel the love.

5. I met Jacqui and Elysha! They were pretty much the reason we went to Winnipeg.

6. Most all of our gals placed! Advanced: 1st = Kristen, 3rd = Esther, 4th Kristina, and 5th Chrissie. Intermediate: 1st Jessie, and 3rd Erica.

7. Partied and hung out with awesome girl skaters and saw what amazing community organizing the Skateboard Coalition of Manitoba, local business and the local government officials could do together. They collected so much product, and $3000 in cash to deal out to the advanced skaters! They even had flowers and trophies.

8. Taught a bunch of girls to skate.

9. Drove over half of the Trans-Canadian Hwy. Not die-ing on the sketchy roads in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Seeing road signs we have never seen before and trying to interpret the meaning. Killing like a few thousand bugs on our grill and windshield. Erica is seriously the champ of cleaning off dragon fly guts!
Saw/was in the middle of a crazy thunder and lightning storm in Regina. Regina was gushing! We were in a grocery store and the power cut out, it got crazy. The Canadian Rockies are so beautiful.

10. Random skate seshes in rest areas. Girls sessioned a few rocks.

11. Cochrane park was super fun! Esther asked a pre-teen boy to switch for his mountain scooter. Kristina was flying over pylon, board sliding like it was going out of style. The girls got in the bowl and road it like a train gang. They were like the Harlem Bowl Trotters!

12. Pulling up into Vancouver at 5 am, with a few girls pulling out their sleeping bags and sleeping on the side walk like bums. Serious.

13. Hanging out at Anti-Social with Michelle and skating her ramp. Getting Nugget to skate, hangout, dance and then drive back to the states with us.

14. There’s so much more, but I am going to end with: the U.S. border customs agent was the best. He was so nice to us.

The end!

Actually more thank you's:

Bob, Cam, Mio, Inn at the Forks, Michelle @ Anti-Social, Nugget, Mark, everyone involved with the Chicks Flip Out comp!, the City of Fargo North Dakota and Dike West Skate Park, Beth’s parents, Skirtboarders, Tamara, Stephanie, and Annie. Christine, Simon and Sigma for making a million SLAG buttons! Michelle (Kristen’s mom for buying snacks), basically there’s a million other people to list.